Hunger Overhaul

Hunger Overhaul


Certain commits not making it into releases

mathwizi2005 opened this issue ยท 8 comments


I have been noticing that a commit or two either haven't been making it to releases or being overwritten before a release. Of note that I have found, this commit was not pushed to release v1.0 for 1.7.10 on May 10th of this year.

This pic shows that fix was never applied to the most recent version, 7 months and 5 versions since it was 'fixed' (by date, the fix should have been deployed with Beta 3 on Dec 30th.)

I am honestly hoping this is the only commit that never made it into release but a check to make sure or a full release dump for 1.7.10 would fix any further issue of lost commits.


Just bumping this as a general release of current commits is needed


Still doing great work, just don't want those useful commits to fall thru the cracks so no rush.
o wo7


Yeah, sorry, I've been really neglecting HO. There have actually been 20 commits since 1.0.0, and an additional couple that I haven't quite finished up/tested.

Will try to get a new version released soon.


@squeek502 jenkins job should be working again for you to prep the next release


@squeek502 do you want to merge any of those other changes into master before the next release is cut from your fork?


Sure, I'll submit it as a PR if you want to look the changes over first.


@squeek502 feel free to push right to master I'm hoping to wrap up the 1.7.10 stuff soon so that we can get 1.10.2 out


@squeek502 when you have time we can talk on irc about a release plan for this stuff, otherwise feel free to upload to curse yourself