Vanilla Crops growth speed vs pam's harvestcraft [1.10.2]
sirNacati opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Hi there, well i'm an my multiplayer server, and the crops from harvestcraft grow very fast and ignore the biome penalty, but the vanilla ones do not and take ages to grow..
Example: I placed a plot of wheat, carrots and potatoes and played around 9-10h near them and they are yet to grow, some are at 67% others still at zero, but pam's harvestcraft tomatoes, I ploped them down in my jungle farm and 1-2 min later they were mature. :/
@alexbegt this is due to AppleCore no longer hooking into plant growth functions starting with v2.1.0 (more info), since Forge added its own plant growth events (CropGrowEvent
). This means that you'd need to have HarvestCraft fire those new Forge events in its plant classes.
@squeek502 , just for the info I thank you kind sir :)
is there any known way to currently fix, or go around this problem?