Right click harvesting should fire block break event
squeek502 opened this issue ยท 4 comments
From Lyncanite on the MCF forums:
Could I ask for a tiny feature and that's to fire the forge block break event when right clicking crops to break them all, lets just say I have a mod that uses the destruction of crops to spawn a very angry mob but I think right clicking with this mod bypasses the event. Also some forge based area protection mods might find it handy I think.
Thanks for taking a look into this! Could the block break event be fired for each individual block that is broken?
@Lycanite, not sure what you mean.
See https://github.com/progwml6/HungerOverhaul/blob/master/src/main/java/iguanaman/hungeroverhaul/util/IguanaEventHook.java#L364-L365 for how we handle right-click harvesting currently.