JSON config files have no effect
Qohelethh opened this issue ยท 4 comments
I have been trying to use JSON files to alter HungerOverhaul's default behavior. For example, I'm trying to remove the right click harvest behavior for wheat.
I tried following the guide, but I can't get anything to work. This probably isn't the right place to ask this question, but I wasn't sure where to ask it.
Here's the JSON file: https://gist.github.com/Qohelethh/beecb7f1bfa7e81c73d3
Thank you so much. That works for everything except the Natura barley, so I'm guessing I don't have the right name for it. Any advice on how to find the right name?
You have some syntax errors (missing commas), and the optional note means that the key itself is optional, not the value.
Try this:
// a list of foods that should not have their food values modified by HO
// the foods in this list will not have their values changed by HO at all (even if specified in the 'foods' section above)
"foodsBlacklist": [
// the name of the item in "mod:name" format
"name": "TwilightForest:item.hydraChop",
// [optional] the metadata value of the item (default: wildcard (any metadata))
"meta": 0
// a list of crop blocks that should not have their right-click behavior modified by HO
"harvestBlacklist": [
// the name of the block in "mod:name" format
"name": "minecraft:wheat"
// the name of the block in "mod:name" format
"name": "yegamolchattels:flax_plant"
// the name of the block in "mod:name" format
"name": "Natura:barleyFood"
No problem. If you have Waila installed, turn on "Show ID:Metadata" in the Waila options (NUMPAD 0 by default).