Hunting Dimension

Hunting Dimension


Unable to go to dimension

Protheus opened this issue ยท 25 comments


Forge: 2561
Default settings config (nothing changed) - dim: 28885

  1. Created the portal (within a chunk)
  2. Used my Emerald sword to activate portal
  3. Stood in middle of portal and sneak.. nothing happened
  • Broken the portal and redo and still unable to go to portal
  • Reloaded the game, nothing

Loading options from: C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Roaming.minecraft\saves\PlayGround\DIM28885
tries_per_chunk_normal = 6
chance_to_spawn_normal = 10.0
templateInstancesMinDistance = 256.0
anyRuinsMinDistance = 64.0
Ruins mod loaded successfully for world C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Roaming.minecraft\saves\PlayGround\DIM28885, template files: 31

2017-12-10_23 45 50
2017-12-10_23 45 56


Hey @Darkhax has this issue been resolved? running a server on SevTech Ages of the Sky with same issue coming up with using latest Bookshelf.


Thanks for making this report. I am not able to reproduce this issue in my testing world, or on my personal mod pack. I believe this is an issue with another mod somehow interfering. For example I have a mod called Dimension Stages which can prevent access to a dimension based on modpack configs. Could I get a copy of your mod list? Also are you playing on a server?


Sorry for the delay. I have just released a new update that will add some debug information to help track down your issue. In the new update when you try to go through the portal you will likely get a message saying that another mod is preventing access to the portal. If you look in the console, there should be a message with more information to help track down which mod is actually causing the issue.


trying it out now

edit: No error in the console/log


Okay, so I can reproduce this issue you're having! Thanks for sending me the files, I will keep this issue updated as I dig into it.


That is quick :)

Take your time, you have other mods that i need to play with ๐Ÿ˜€


Okay, I have worked out the issue. The Universal Remote mod is replacing the player entity with their own entity class. This is a very bad thing for them to do, because it causes all players to fail the fake player test. This is going to have many issues across all of my mods, and several other mods, I think the CoFH mods have a similar check.


I've opened an issue on their repo, which you can find here.


It didn't even give you a chat message? That's extremely odd. Is there any way I could download the modpack instance for further testing?


How can I message you with the link.. it is going to be a wetransfer (205mb).

edit: nevermind, found your email, you will have an email from me
edit: file send and you should have it. goodluck and thank you


Thanks for sending the file. Testing it out now.


if it is related to another mod, you can close this one and I will track the other git. Thank you for this


After talking with the dev of the universal remote, I have changed my code in bookshelf to be a bit more lenient. If no major issues arise, this should be fixed. Just update to 2.3.512 or newer.


Thank you. Will check it out



I'm having the same problem. I'm using latest Bookshelf and Hunting Dimension. When I try to use the portal, the chat says:

"You are an invalid entity, and can not travel through the portal!"


Hello @vanchelot Are you using the universal remote mod as well? That mod is currently incompatible with many mods due to how they do the player check. If you're not using that mod, could you upload a log file of the game after you try to go through the portal?


I'm no using universal remote mod.

I think this is the info you're looking for:

[0111/203035:INFO:GameCallbacks.cpp(178)] game/game () info [20:30:35] [main/INFO]: [CHAT] You are an invalid entity, and can not travel through the portal!

[0111/203035:INFO:GameCallbacks.cpp(178)] game/game () info [20:30:35] [Server thread/INFO] [Hunting Dimension]: Could not teleport Vanchelot because they are an invalid player entity! Class is class com.mrnobody.morecommands.patch.PatchEntityPlayerMP$EntityPlayerMP


Removed the mod mentioned in the log fragment. Then I used the portal and it worked!

I won't use that mod a lot so it's fine for now.

If it helps, for you or anyone who reads this, the mod I was using and was causing the problem is MoreCommands v6.0. The mod site is:

And the source of the mod is in here:

Thanks a lot for your help.


Thank you for looking into the issue further.


Unfortunately this change in Galacticraft makes it incompatible with many other mods and not just this one. I know the unreleased SevTech pack has both mods working together so I will ask Darkosto about it.


I have the same entity problem. The log:

  • Could not teleport iBattery because they are an invalid player entity! Class is class micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.entities.player.GCEntityPlayerMP

  • [CHAT] You are an invalid entity, and can not travel through the portal!

It is seemed that it is not compatible with the galacticraft now.


Awww man :( I can confirm iBattery findings.

  • [12:12:58] [Server thread/INFO] [Hunting Dimension]: Could not teleport Vanchelot because they are an invalid player entity! Class is class micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.core.entities.player.GCEntityPlayerMP

Thank you for telling the info. Hope this could be fixed in the future.


@iBattery355 @vanchelot The API they used to fix it was Player API. I am going to look into fixing this on my end further as well, however it is very frustrating when people are writing hacky code like this.