IBE Editor

IBE Editor


Crash with Creative mode-only editing disabled

DalekCraft2 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


I disabled Creative mode-only editing and attempted to edit an item, and the game immediately crashed. Strangely, it only happens if opening the editor in the inventory GUI, and not whilst holding the item and pressing the key.


Hi, can you send a crash report?


Thanks! You can avoid this crash by closing the Recipe Book. I'll investigate to fix the bug.


Crash reason: the "key press" event kept propagating to the inventory screen after opening the editor screen, causing a crash when the recipe book is open, due to a NullPointerException after the inventory screen was cleaned up and the recipe book GUI removed.
Fix: consume (cancel) the event right after opening the editor screen so it doesn't propagate to the inventory screen.

Fixed in version 1.2.5 (click to download)