[BUG] Custom Display colors reset after opening edit UI and closing.
Erisfiregamer1 opened this issue ยท 7 comments
Every time I want to edit something, I have to go back and reset the color of the lore, or lose it.
@franckyi Did you fix this yet?
How to do:
- open custom lore item
- edit something abt item without opening display menu
- save item
- lose lore colors / spaces
Sorry, I thought I had already fixed it. I'll investigate it when I can find some time
@Erisfiregamer1 I unfortunately haven't been able to reproduce this issue. Can you send me the full NBT of the item you're trying to edit? (or a /give command)
I already said the steps.
Open the item with already set colored lore.
Make an edit without opening the "display" section.
Close GUI. The colors are broken until you open Display and fix them.