IBE Editor

IBE Editor


IBE Editor must be installed on the server to update this Block.

TomLewis opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Odd behavior, Pressing I on some items works, sometimes dousnt?

Using Purpur 1.18.2 and Creative server, it edits items fine, only when the UI is blocked from opening with the "IBE Editor must be installed on the server to update this Block." message is very confusing as I am OP/GM1 on a Creative server, so it should all be client side no requirement for a separate plugin on the server.

sometimes it works fine, sometimes it blocks it and I have to go into gm 0 then gm 1 again and press I again.


I suppose the issue happens when you try to edit an item that is in a container (like a chest, a furnace, etc). In that case if you want to edit this item, you would actually have to update its container (so update the block that contains the item).

Updating blocks or entities requires the mod to be installed on the server since there is no way of manually updating a block or an entity from the client side.

  • One way to make it possible would be to automate the user sending /data or /setblock commands but you would quickly run into the character limit (and there is no way of bypassing it because it's hardcoded on the server side) ;
  • Another way would be to be able to copy the command so that you can paste it in a command block (it would work because there's no character limit in a command blocks).

I suppose the issue happens when you try to edit an item that is in a container

Nope. Just in my inv.

Nothing fancy, just holding an item to edit.

Do you have some sort of edit happening based on the block you are looking at? if so that could be the issue? I just want to edit the item in hand not what im looking at?


Sorry for the late answer. Yes the editor will always prioritize editing the entity or block you're looking at instead of the item that's in your hand. I should probably make it configurable somewhere because a lot of people seem to be mostly using the item editor.


I just realized I can hover over an item to edit its lore without having to hold it!
I will just change how I edit items in a chest now! This actually makes life easier.

It would be nice to have a toggle that when I press "i" it automatically opens the display tab tho, so save clicking every time.


I suppose the issue happens when you try to edit an item that is in a container (like a chest, a furnace, etc). In that case if you want to edit this item, you would actually have to update its container (so update the block that contains the item).

Updating blocks or entities requires the mod to be installed on the server since there is no way of manually updating a block or an entity from the client side.

  • One way to make it possible would be to automate the user sending /data or /setblock commands but you would quickly run into the character limit (and there is no way of bypassing it because it's hardcoded on the server side) ;
  • Another way would be to be able to copy the command so that you can paste it in a command block (it would work because there's no character limit in a command blocks).

Is it possible to make blocks the same as entities? When the server is not installed, it cannot be saved but the GUI can be opened.