IBE Editor

IBE Editor


Use a color wheel for hex and let us save colors!

TomLewis opened this issue ยท 2 comments


The color picker is terrible! Replace it with an RGB color wheel and let us save Hex colors to re-use in teh colors click section at the top of the lore editor.

Have say 20 additional color squares that you can save custom colors to.


First of all, please be careful with the language you use. Bear in mind that I'm working on this mod in my free time and that I don't owe you anything. This goes for any free and open-source project.

I know that the color picker is very basic and doesn't have a lot of features, but it's definitely usable by anyone. These are improvements that I already did have in mind for the future, but I don't know when I'll have the time to work on these. Again, the mod is open-source, so feel free to contribute to it if you have knowledge in Java programming.


Oof. Not ment like that at all! Cant read tone in text form I guess!

RGB color wheel absolutly smashes sliders any day, if you are just ending up at getting HEX, I wonder if theres an existing mod you could use a color wheel from so as to not reinvent the wheel, ive seen a hex color wheel used in a few plugins in the past, I wonder if theres a framework/library that exists already.