IBE Editor

IBE Editor


[Question] Will this mod be updated to work with the new "components"?

ilia-21 opened this issue · 3 comments


Mojang recently changed NBT tags to "Components" in 24w09a and I assume this will break the mod. My question is: will the mod be updated to work with the new system? This mod has saved me a lot of time making custom maps, datapacks, etc. and I would like to continue using it through the new versions of the game.


I'm aware of those changes. After years of programming on the same old code base, the mod in its current state has become quite difficult to maintain. So I think this Component update will be a good reason to rewrite the mod from scratch.

Just letting you know though, the update will take a while. I'm currently working on other projects and I don't have a lot of time to spend on IBE Editor at this moment. But I'll do everything I can to start working on it before 1.21 gets released so that you don't have to wait for an update for too long.


Thanks for your answer! Take your time with the other projects, I appreciate your work. Close this issue if needed


For me too long is after 1.22 as im not that used to these qol mods as i use snapshots