IC2 Classic

IC2 Classic


[1.19.2] Game/Server crashing when using Ruberwood boats

edukny94 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


So pretty much title.

After a few days off I found my server off and it was related to someone using a Ruberwood boat and I could recreate the crash by myself again.

I don't know too much about modding but it's something related with the mod "It Shall Not Tick" and the "ic2:ruberwood_boat".

As far I know that mod is not suported anymore so... you guys are my only hope.

I got two logs (one from the server, another from client side).

Server crash log.


Client crash log.



Not happening with just IC2Classic, @Speiger.

I think you can close this, I'm gonna do something with that.


Please reproduce this issue with just IC2Classic.
Because IC2Classic just uses the Boat internal logic and doesn't change the logic at all to this extend.

This is in 99.99999% of the case caused by another mod.
Even forge assumes it is not IC2Classic at fault.