IC2 Classic

IC2 Classic


[1.19.2][Question] How does exactly electricSuitEnergyCostModifier config value work?

Chikko5 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Description says: Modifies the Energy Cost per damage
I tried to play with this value and it doesn't seem to change anything very much. I tried values 0.5; 0.1, 2.0; -50.0; -90.0. Negative values halved amount of EU cost for nano armor and did nothing to quantum armor. Positive values didn't do anything at all.
Range: > -1.7976931348623157E308 is confusing. What values am i really allowed to use and do i really understand purpose of this value correctly?


Hey, thank you for the bug report.

I tried to play with this value and it doesn't seem to change anything very much. I tried values 0.5; 0.1, 2.0; -50.0; -90.0. Negative values halved amount of EU cost for nano armor and did nothing to quantum armor. Positive values didn't do anything at all.

Looking at the code, I am surprised that even did anything. We apparently managed to use the wrong config value for the energy usage calculation, so the electricSuitEnergyCostModifier only got applied to the calculation of how much damage can be absorbed but not to the actual energy usage.

Range: > -1.7976931348623157E308 is confusing. What values am i really allowed to use and do i really understand purpose of this value correctly?

Also another mistake on our side with the ranges shown in the config. That option has no limitations on how big/small the number can be. (this is a purely visual error and has no effect on anything else)

The fixes will be included in the next release, though that might take a bit as the focus is currently on a bigger chunk pregen update.


Ok, thanks for clarification!