IC2 Classic

IC2 Classic


[1.19.2] Datapack can not be validated

fabioski01 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Hi, I wanted to play IC2 along some other technical mod, however IC2 is incompatibles and does not validate the datapack when creating a world. This is the common crash report error java.lang.IllegalStateException: Item: ic2:ingot_aluminum does not exist
Is this a known bug? Is there any way to fix it? I attach the full crash report if needed. Thanks


You got the name wrong

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Item: ic2:ingot_aluminum does not exist



What? I just copy pasted the crash report I did not write the name. When running IC2 alone the datapack gets validated.


Ok, we just found out that this is a bug with the latest version of create. I am creating a bugreport there right now


I don't think there is anything we can do about this crash.
As you already pointed out, it does not happen with just IC2 Classic, and as CrossVas pointed out, something is trying to use ic2:ingot_aluminum in a recipe while it should be ic2:ingot_aluminium (note the extra i)

Best guess is that some of the mods in your pack or some kubejs script try to add ic2 compat and fucked that up.

Apart from you trying to reduce your modlist to find out which exact mod registers the broken recipe and reporting it there, I don't think there is much that can be done.
Note: if the crash disappears when kubejs is removed, it is most likely a broken script by the pack developer and not the mods fault