Ticking entity crash
MadBoyMystMan opened this issue ยท 5 comments
My server crash with "Ticking entity problem" and IC2C as suspended mod. This time it's vanilla spider, but it can be anything from any mod!
Crash log attached
Yeah. I found out that it crash whenever you are hit by any entity, when you have any armor on
update1: removing IC2C stops the crashes. However there was no crashes before I installed more optimizing mods. Gona try find one
update2: NVM. It's apotheosis/IC2C conflict. Removing any of them solves the problem.
Looks like our asm patch for the armor system that forge removed is causing a crash...
Though it looks like another mod is crash coming from another mod and not ic2c.
Looks like our asm mod patches our stuff and the other mod tried to patch it to and failed.
So the reason is apotheosis and IC2C armor system conflict. Is there a way to fix it without deleting one of the mods? Can I edit mod config? Really want to play both of them at the same time.
@MadBoyMystMan Nope. I can't fix this since it would effectively remove any Armor that IC2 adds that has custom functionality.
Both Nano & Quantum armor would be gone. Sadly the only way to fix it would to reintroduce the API forge removed but that can only be done in the future.
@Xaikii could you help out here and get @Shadows-of-Fire to fix his mod?
Edit: I should have read the log not on my phone and trusted what you said...
Because i was clearly wrong here...
This looks more like a Tensura/Appoteosis incompat than a IC2Classic/Appoteosis incompat...
Sorry shadow of fire.
@MadBoyMystMan closing because turns out this isn't ic2c issue.
Mods listed that cause the issue are:
apotheosis & tensura
Caused by: org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.throwables.InvalidInjectionException: @At("CONSTANT") on net/minecraft/world/damagesource/CombatRules::getMaxPercentageReduced with priority 1000 cannot inject into net/minecraft/world/damagesource/CombatRules::m_19272_(FFF)F merged by shadows.apotheosis.mixin.CombatRulesMixin with priority 1000 [PREINJECT Applicator Phase -> tensura.mixins.json:MixinCombatRules -> Prepare Injections -> -> constant$bfi000$getMaxPercentageReduced(F)F -> Prepare]