IC2 Classic

IC2 Classic


[Suggestion] Add a way to chance recipe time for custom recipes

PapierZylinder opened this issue ยท 3 comments


It would be a good addition for packdevs. With it they could lock certain recipes behind a later stage of the modpack, since it would encourage using overclocker and to build a bigger energy production system.


If you mean changing how much progress it takes for the recipe to run that's technically already possible with the json system.

Next thing is the "recipeMetadata" which allows you to control the recipe processing length & energy consumtion.
It is a NBTTagCompound that can be provided, but doesn't have to.
These are the valid entries:
Possible Recipe Mods/Flags:
"RecipeEnergyModifier": Double Value which allows you to give a Multiplier to the Recipe Energy Needed.
"RecipeEnergy": Integer Value which allows you to give a Direct Energy Increase/Decrease to the Recipe. (Supports negatives)
"RecipeTimeModifier": Double Value which allows you to give a Multiplier on the Time that the Machine needs to process this Recipe.
"RecipeTime": Integer Value which allows you to give a Direct time value that the machine needs extra/less to process this machine (Supports negatives)
These modifiers have to be in that NBTCompound you provide and no SubCompounds supported.

Yep he was faster then me. So recipe time & Energy is supported. Note that these apply after the overclocker values have been set. So energy changes do not get affected as much as recipe time modifiers.


Good luck @PapierZylinder