Electric enchanter recipe is not oredicted
DBotThePony opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Not a bug.
I can not make everything "oredict". Thats why mods like Crafttweaker exist.
then why oredict even exist in forge if modders don't use it? And any reason to not to add oredicted recipe with bookshelf
in it along with not oredicted one? In this case you won't even have to check for bookshelf
oredict entry being present.
Also, why do carbon plates have no plateCarbon
While vanilla bookshelves are not oredicted by default, it would be great to have support for oredicted bookshelves anyway.
First of all. You are starting to get annoying. If you have a bugreport, that's fine. If you have a feature request. That's fine. But Accept that it is still the work I have to put into the mod. If I don't want to do that then that's my choice.
Second: You seem to think oredict is the solution to everything? No. It has some massive issues. Adding oredict to everything is not a SOLUTION.
- 1: It has a performance hit to recipe checking. Because recipes get a lot more complex, because oredict isn't Optimized AT ALL.
- 2: Adding Oredict to everything can have balance problems as well. (Why do you think ic2cs obsidian dust isn't compatible to any other mods obsidian dust)
- 3: OreDict is a means to make interactions with other mods easier. It is not a Requirement. How much oredict is a thing is up to a modder.
While your request is valid to add support to bookshelves I would like you to take a example of @YuRaNnNzZZ and also respect my answer that I am not adding that.