IC2 Classic

IC2 Classic


Nanosaber Sound spam when not charged

nanakisan opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Dunno how to explain this one. But when the nanosaber has no power left. Instead of playing it's on/off sounds 1 time. It gets stuck and constantly spams the sounds. This happens more consistently when you spam turning on and off. It's like the sound source is caught in a loop. Pausing the game seems to fix this issue however. But only until the saber does it again


Ok. Need to test that.
Maybe i fixed that already in the 1.1.0 version...


Turns out that the whole Nano Saber needs a rewrite (the 3rd time now). Working on it.
Audio Spam no clue why it comes i try to solve it... (it has something todo with moving sounds)


Fixed. Stupid amount of work because of bugs...