Server shuts down with OutOfMemory error
kitovoi111 opened this issue ยท 2 comments
I checked it on Forge 1.19.2 and GoldenForge 1.19.2 kernels - the error is the same, the server completely stops working and freezes, although the server with the Create mod works stably, the assemblies are similar, only on one server is the IndustrialCraft mod, and on the other is the mod Create.
24 GB of memory allocated to the server, with 60-70 online players, the server may freeze due to electric fishing (not exactly)
jvm arguments:
jvm BellSoft JDK 17
@kitovoi111 hello CrackedLix, sadly what you are doing is a issue with another mod.
Also weren't you banned for being an asshole?
Sorry but "YOU" are specifically are not supported.
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