Icarus Origin Gamebreaking On Servers
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Hello, I have a modpack and server that has icarus: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/arid-castle . There is a game breaking glitch with the icarus origin. Players on a server can change the icarus config clientside and can essentially use the origin as a hacked client. For example, turning the icarus speed to crazy high settings. I do not think this is intended, so I am hoping this can be fixed as I like the mod a lot.
That is definitely not intended. I can try and fix it at some point but classes just started back up for me so I'm now busy
If it is easier, just an option to remove the origin icarae would be appreciated.
You can do that with datapacks already. That wouldnt solve the underlying problem, though. This will affect the wings as well