Ice And Fire - Set of many Fix

Ice And Fire - Set of many Fix


[Bug]: generating new worlds takes forever

quackkky opened this issue ยท 2 comments


What happened?

i have a modpack with around 200 mods, and before adding the ice and fire mod generating new worlds took like 5 minutes max. after adding the mod this seems to be a lot longer. i left my pc for 2 hours and the world was still only at around 26%.

(i had to use pastebin for the log because i couldnt fit it in there, the maximum is like 65k letters

Minecraft Version


Ice and Fire version


Citadel version


Relevant log output

Other Information

  • I am using other mods besides Ice and Fire
  • I have attached a log file from the session that I have experienced this issue

minecraft version is 20.1, i set it to 1.16 by accident


i tried fixing the problem by generating a world without ice and fire and adding it back after generating, but now i cant find or spawn any dragons, not with /summon or spawn eggs. other creatures work fine though