Ice And Fire - Set of many Fix

Ice And Fire - Set of many Fix


[Bug]: multiple poi's not generating with terralith installed

PhantomAshes opened this issue ยท 0 comments


What happened?

i have terralith and ice and fire installed. ice and fire structures will not generate iwith terralith. dragon caves/roosts, masoleums, cyclops caves, etc. i confirmed that terralith is the problem and went to their discord and described the issue, and they said it would be a problem on ice and fire's end. quote from them "Worldgen mods cannot prevent structure from other mods of spawning, Ice and Fire way of placing its structure is fucked and needs to be configured to work with the new standards of structure placements."

Minecraft Version


Ice and Fire version

2.1.12 and 2.1.13 beta 3

Citadel version


Relevant log output

Other Information

  • I am using other mods besides Ice and Fire
  • I have attached a log file from the session that I have experienced this issue