Ice And Fire - Set of many Fix

Ice And Fire - Set of many Fix


[Bug]: TPS spikes when using it with Alex Caves 1.1.4

Loreb29 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


What happened?

Forge verson 47.3.0

When i use the mod with Alex Caves, a lot of TPS spikes that freeze the world for around 1-3 seconds (sometimes even around 10) appear, from my experience they don't seem to be related to the amount of entities but, it's kinda random?, they can happen when i'm standing still, when i'm mining, or when i'm fighting tons of mobs, which was my "benchmark". I would love to give a spark profile but turns out it crashes the game, it seems to be incompatible with the forge version.

While i'm pretty sure it is caused when mixed with Alex Caves due to the various tests i did (some with only the two mods installed, along embeddium), i will give my full mod list in the log, just in case.

JVM arguments used in tests: -Xmx10G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M

I tried using Shenandoah and it didn't improve, if anything i think the garbage collector is not the one causing the problem.

Minecraft Version


Ice and Fire version

2.1.13 beta4

Citadel version


Relevant log output

Mod list:
'Rubidium Dynamic Lights' (version: 1.20.1_v1.6.0)
'Mowzie's Mobs' (version: 1.6.4) 'Alex's Mobs' (version: 1.22.8) 
'Amendments' (version: 1.20-1.2.3) 'Connectible Chains' (version: 1.0.0) 
'GeckoLib 4' (version: 4.4.5) 
'Just Enough Items' (version: 
'FirstPerson' (version: 2.4.1) 
'Visual Workbench' (version: 8.0.0) 
'Callable Horses' (version: 
'Immersive Aircraft' (version: 1.0.1+1.20.1) 
'Sophisticated Core' (version: 
'Gpu memory leak fix' (version: 1.20.1-1.8) 
'Rubidium (Embeddium)' (version: 0.7.1) 
'Sound Physics Remastered' (version: 1.20.1-1.1.2) 
'Create' (version: 0.5.1.f) 
'Falling Leaves' (version: 2.1.0-beta.1) 
'Structory' (version: 1.3.5) 
'Xaero's World Map' (version: 1.38.8) 
'Integrated API' (version: 1.5.1+1.20.1-forge) 
'Citadel' (version: 2.5.4) 
'MixinExtras' (version: 0.3.6) 
'Make Bubbles Pop' (version: 0.2.0-forge) 
'Sophisticated Backpacks' (version: 
'MidnightLib' (version: 1.4.2) 
'Ice and Fire' (version: 2.1.13-1.20.1-beta-4) 
'Distant Horizons' (version: 2.1.0-a) 
'Memory Leak Fix' (version: 1.1.5) 
'Puzzles Access Api' (version: 8.0.7) 
'Forge' (version: 47.3.0) 
'Spelunker's Charm' (version: 3.6.0) 
'The Twilight Forest' (version: 4.3.2145) 
'Supplementaries' (version: 1.20-2.8.11) 
'Embeddium' (version: 0.3.19+mc1.20.1) 
'Integrated Dungeons and Structures' (version: 1.9.3+1.20.1) 
'Diagonal Blocks' (version: 8.0.5) 
'When Dungeons Arise' (version: 
'Tectonic' (version: 2.3.5a) 
'Minecraft' (version: 1.20.1) 
'Farmer's Delight' (version: 1.20.1-1.2.4) 
'Useful Spyglass' (version: 0.6.1) 
'Horse Combat Controls' (version: 1.20.1-1.0.1) 
'Alex's Caves' (version: 1.1.4) 
'Physics Mod' (version: 3.0.14) 
'Moonlight Library' (version: 1.20-2.11.31) 
'AmbientSounds' (version: 6.0.1) 
'Mouse Tweaks' (version: 2.25.1) 
'GroovyModLoader' (version: 4.0.9) 
'MixinSquared' (version: 0.1.1) 
'Jade' (version: 11.9.3+forge) 
'Do a Barrel Roll' (version: 3.5.6+1.20.1) 
'CreativeCore' (version: 2.11.30) 
'Chunky' (version: 1.3.146) 
'Amplified Nether' (version: 1.2.5) 
'Highlighter' (version: 1.1.9) 
'betterfpsdist mod' (version: 1.20.1-4.4) 
'Kotlin For Forge' (version: 4.11.0) 
'Iceberg' (version: 1.1.21) 
'Flywheel' (version: 0.6.10-7) 
'Quark' (version: 4.0-454) 
'Xaero's Minimap' (version: 24.2.0) 
'Gravestone Mod' (version: 1.20.1-1.0.15) 
'CommonGroovyLibrary' (version: 0.3.3) 
'Zeta' (version: 1.0-16) 
'Diagonal Fences' (version: 8.1.4) 
'EntityCulling' (version: 1.6.5) 
'Canary' (version: 0.3.3) 
'betterchunkloading mod' (version: 1.20.1-4.3) 
'Spawn Animations' (version: 1.9.4+mod) 
'Soul fire'd' (version: 
'Eating Animation' (version: 5.0.0) 
'Architectury' (version: 9.2.14) 
'Cupboard utilities' (version: 1.20.1-2.6) 
'Puzzles Lib' (version: 8.1.20) 
'Observable' (version: 4.4.1)
'Rubidium Dynamic Lights' (version: 1.20.1_v1.6.0)
'Mowzie's Mobs' (version: 1.6.4)
'Alex's Mobs' (version: 1.22.8)
'Amendments' (version: 1.20-1.2.3)
'Connectible Chains' (version: 1.0.0)
'GeckoLib 4' (version: 4.4.5)
'Just Enough Items' (version:
'FirstPerson' (version: 2.4.1)
'Visual Workbench' (version: 8.0.0)
'Callable Horses' (version:
'Immersive Aircraft' (version: 1.0.1+1.20.1)
'Sophisticated Core' (version:
'Gpu memory leak fix' (version: 1.20.1-1.8)
'Rubidium (Embeddium)' (version: 0.7.1)
'Sound Physics Remastered' (version: 1.20.1-1.1.2)
'Create' (version: 0.5.1.f)
'Falling Leaves' (version: 2.1.0-beta.1)
'Structory' (version: 1.3.5)
'Xaero's World Map' (version: 1.38.8)
'Integrated API' (version: 1.5.1+1.20.1-forge)
'Citadel' (version: 2.5.4)
'MixinExtras' (version: 0.3.6)
'Make Bubbles Pop' (version: 0.2.0-forge)
'Sophisticated Backpacks' (version:
'MidnightLib' (version: 1.4.2)
'Ice and Fire' (version: 2.1.13-1.20.1-beta-4)
'Distant Horizons' (version: 2.1.0-a) (i used 2.0.1 before and still had the same spikes)
'Memory Leak Fix' (version: 1.1.5)
'Puzzles Access Api' (version: 8.0.7)
'Forge' (version: 47.3.0)
'Spelunker's Charm' (version: 3.6.0)
'The Twilight Forest' (version: 4.3.2145)
'Supplementaries' (version: 1.20-2.8.11)
'Embeddium' (version: 0.3.19+mc1.20.1)
'Integrated Dungeons and Structures' (version: 1.9.3+1.20.1)
'Diagonal Blocks' (version: 8.0.5)
'When Dungeons Arise' (version:
'Tectonic' (version: 2.3.5a)
'Minecraft' (version: 1.20.1)
'Farmer's Delight' (version: 1.20.1-1.2.4)
'Useful Spyglass' (version: 0.6.1)
'Horse Combat Controls' (version: 1.20.1-1.0.1)
'Alex's Caves' (version: 1.1.4)
'Physics Mod' (version: 3.0.14)
'Moonlight Library' (version: 1.20-2.11.31)
'AmbientSounds' (version: 6.0.1)
'Mouse Tweaks' (version: 2.25.1)
'GroovyModLoader' (version: 4.0.9)
'MixinSquared' (version: 0.1.1)
'Jade' (version: 11.9.3+forge)
'Do a Barrel Roll' (version: 3.5.6+1.20.1)
'CreativeCore' (version: 2.11.30)
'Chunky' (version: 1.3.146)
'Amplified Nether' (version: 1.2.5)
'Highlighter' (version: 1.1.9)
'betterfpsdist mod' (version: 1.20.1-4.4)
'Kotlin For Forge' (version: 4.11.0)
'Iceberg' (version: 1.1.21)
'Flywheel' (version: 0.6.10-7)
'Quark' (version: 4.0-454)
'Xaero's Minimap' (version: 24.2.0)
'Gravestone Mod' (version: 1.20.1-1.0.15)
'CommonGroovyLibrary' (version: 0.3.3)
'Zeta' (version: 1.0-16)
'Diagonal Fences' (version: 8.1.4)
'EntityCulling' (version: 1.6.5)
'Canary' (version: 0.3.3)
'betterchunkloading mod' (version: 1.20.1-4.3)
'Spawn Animations' (version: 1.9.4+mod)
'Soul fire'd' (version:
'Eating Animation' (version: 5.0.0)
'Architectury' (version: 9.2.14)
'Cupboard utilities' (version: 1.20.1-2.6)
'Puzzles Lib' (version: 8.1.20)
'Observable' (version: 4.4.1)

Other Information

  • I am using other mods besides Ice and Fire
  • I have attached a log file from the session that I have experienced this issue