


Forge not recognizing iChunUtil

khionu opened this issue ยท 5 comments


When I load Minecraft, it's not recognizing iChunUtil. It says the minimum version it requires is 2.0.0.

Gyazo is an instant Screenshot->Share program, that is detected as a virus by ?Avast?, but I only heard of that once.
http://gyazo.com/0db109b131a5a10562ce095bd0102524 - Error
http://gyazo.com/5385a2e07f0a639657ffc481ee52440d - Contents of Mod Folder
http://pastebin.com/D3qwM55j - Client Log


Use the 2.X.X builds, not the 4/5.X.X builds


You're also going to break everything cause of the versions of mods you're grabbing anyways http://ichun.us/support/faq/mods/


Pardon? Nothing was broken. Forge never even loaded. I'm still trying to get my Mods picked out for my server (I have read your limitations/conditions for Modpacks. Server is staying at 1.7.10, unless you post an update saying otherwise, nevermind the fact that most of the mods I will be using are not ready for 1.8.x), and I ran into this issue.

Also, you say here that I should use the 2.x.x, but the link you shared in your last says I should use the 4.x.x for MC 1.7.10... can you clarify the contradiction?


I didn't look at your the mods you were trying, cause you said had gravity gun version 2.0.0. The FAQ is still right though. You need 4.X.X for MC 1.7.10 (which is what you're running according to your other mods)


Ok. Thank you for your time. Keep up the good work :)