Not a bug, just wanted to suggest! (Long)
Jely710 opened this issue · 3 comments
Comments are disabled, so I'm not sure where else to put these - delete this if it's wrong or something.
I first want to say, that this is a great mod! I understand that it takes a long while to develop, but I wanted to suggest a few things.
Firstly, you should probably increase the mining range for some morphs. Bigger mobs aren't even able to mine at all!
Next up, abilities! I'm trying to make a unique one for each mob. They differ in usefulness.
- Armor Stand - Press R to go into "sneak mode". Mobs have a low detection range for you, and you are made slower. It's toggleable.
- Bat - Press R to give nearby mobs the Glowing effect, as a sort of "Echolocation". Has a medium cooldown.
- Bee - You can hide in beehives by left-clicking on them. Your viewpoint is changed to be where the beehive is facing, and you get a pumpkin-like overlay with a few holes to see out of. Crouch to exit.
- Blaze - Fire and Lava slowly heals you
- Cat - Speed!
- Cave Spider - Press R to make your next attack give Poison. Has a long cooldown. You are also immune to Cobwebs.
- Chicken - Press R to lay an egg. Has a long cooldown, it's mainly for fun.
- Cod - Safety in numbers! Being around other cod makes mobs ignore you.
- Cow - Press R to get a milk-like effect. Do you drink your own milk? Has a long cooldown.
- Creeper - it already has one.
- Dolphin - First off, you have air bars for both water AND land. Also, you can jump out of the water and go really high up.
- Donkey - Press R for a temporary speed boost. Has a medium cooldown.
- Drowned - Press R to throw a trident! This trident is weaker than a normal one. Has a medium cooldown.
- Elder Guardian - Press R to shoot a laser at the mob you hit. Also, they can breath in air, but are constantly jumping.
- Ender Dragon - End Crystals heal you.
- Enderman - Mobs avoid looking at you, but if they to happen to look at your face, you gain a temporary strength boost.
- Endermite - Press R to have a chorus-fruit like effect. Endermen are also immediately angry at you.
- Evoker - Press R to summon a line of Evocation Fangs in front of you. Has a long cooldown.\
- Fox - Press R to sleep. This skips to either nighttime or daytime, depending on what time you sleep at. Has a cooldown until the next day.
- Ghast - I can't think of a new one.
- Giant - Any mobs you walk on get damaged immensely.
- Guardian - Same as Elder Guardian, just weaker.
- Hoglin - Press R to launch any nearby mobs up into the air. Has a medium cooldown.
- Horse - Same as Donkey, but a bit stronger.
- Husk - Immunity to cacti.
- Illusioner - Press R to make a copy of you like an Illusioner. This distracts mobs, and disappears after a while. Has a long cooldown.
- Iron Golem - Same as Hoglin. You also naturally deal more knockback.
- Llama - Press R to spit. Has a short cooldown.
- Magma Cube - You can't move, and have to jump to go anywhere. Press R to gain temporary jump boost.
- Mule - Same as Donkey. In-between Horse and Donkey.
- Mooshroom - Same as Cow.
- Ocelot - Same as Cat.
- Panda - Press R to roll. You go pretty quickly forward. Has a medium cooldown.
- Parrot - You do the same thing as parrots normally, replicating nearby mob's noises.
- Phantom - Crashing into mobs deals damage.
- Pig - pigs are useless.
- Piglin - Piglins are Passive, but Brutes are neutral..
- Brute - Piglins and Brutes are both passive.
- Pillager - You basically have Infinity on all bows/crossbows.
- Polar Bear - Press R to do a strengthened attack. It has a medium cooldown.
- Pufferfish - Press R to puff up. You poison and damage any nearby mobs. Has a short cooldown.
- Rabbit - Press R to get temporary (small) jump boost. Has a short cooldown.
- Ravager - Press R to bite at your opponents, like a Ravager does. This knocks them far back, and does big damage. Has a medium cooldown.
- Salmon - Same as Cod.
- Sheep - Press R to eat any grass block you may be standing on. This replenishes your hunger as much as steak. Has a medium cooldown.
- Shulker - Press R to open your shell and shoot a Shulker Bullet, which goes for the nearest mob and gives them levitation. Has a long cooldown.
- Silverfish - Same thing as Bee, but with stone blocks. You can't see while in blocks, though.
- Skeleton - You have infinite Arrows, and a decreased bow use time.
- Skeleton Horse - Same as Horse. You can also breath underwater.
- Slime - Same as Magma Cube.
- Snow Golem - You leave a trail of snow behind you.
- Spider - You are immune to Cobwebs.
- Squid - First off, you actually look where you swim. Secondly, press R to shoot Ink. This blinds those it hits and makes them wander randomly for a short while.
- Stray - Same as Skeleton, but with Slowness Arrows.
- Strider - You are slowed on land.
- Trader Llama - Same as Llama.
- Tropical Fish - Same as Cod.
- Turtle - You have more natural defense. You are also slower on land. Press R to go in your shell, making you immune to all damage but also unable to do anything. Toggleable.
- Vex - You can pass through blocks, like in Spectator Mode.
- Villager - Villager Trades are decreased.
- Vindicator - Extra damage with Iron Axes.
- Wandering Trader - Same as Villager.
- Witch - Press R to throw a random Poison, Damage, or Slowness potion. Has a long cooldown.
- Wither - Everything runs from you.
- Wither Skeleton - Press R to make your next attack give the Wither effect. Has a medium cooldown.
- Wolf - Press R to Howl, summoning some wolves off-screen that help you fight. They leave once all opponents are defeated. Has a long cooldown.
- Zoglin - Same as Hoglin.
- Zombie - Same as Wolf, but it summons Zombies.
- Zombie Horse - Same as Horse.
- Zombie Villager - Nothing special.
- Zombified Piglin - Any nearby Zombified Piglins attack whatever attacks you.
That's all of them! You don't need to do them all, I just wanted to share some ideas I had.
Thanks for the huge idealist, much appreciated!
I just implemented the Cow, Witch and Endermite abilities as you described them here. This will be out in the next update.
The wiki page still needs to be updated to account for the new abilities (Cow, Witch, Endermite, Llama).