A few bugs i'd love to see fixed, and some suggestions.
JoseBlackYT opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Bugs: Hoglins attack player, regardless of whatever identity they're using / Iron golem(or other mobs with special animation, idk) arms glitch when you attack something.
Suggestions: Vindicator identity put their hand up(like real vindicators) when you get an axe, with the same animation / Pillagers have the loading crossbow animation / When you're a ravager, a player disguised as a pillager should be able to ride you / players disguised as baby zombies/zombie pigmen can ride chickens / Ability to change between baby variants and size variants(example: change sizes of slime and gain a few more hearts) / Whiter cooldown faster by default, with the ability to shoot blue skulls as a "secondary ability" / The secondary ability. If a mob(example: wither) has more than 1 attack then we should have a secondary attack, with a key like "h" or "u" / Ender dragon breaks blocks(false by default), as the name explains, a config that lets you choose if the ender dragon breaks the blocks, like the normal ender dragon would. / When disguised as a pillager, you should be able to put a pillager flag with right clicking one, while looking at the sky or putting it in your helmet spot, then pillagers would start following you and with enough pillagers you could start a raid. / Evokers have 3 abilities(if the secondary ability is a good idea, could also have 3 abilities)1: summoning fangs, 2: summoning vexes and 3: summoning fangs around them. / Piglins and villagers should give you better stuff/deals if you're disguised as a piglin/villager, for example: if a piglin was to give you soul sand and you're a piglin they could give something better like obsidian or ender pearls, but if you're disguised as a piglin brute they'd give you even better stuff, like iron stuff, diamond stuff and even some netherite scraps. / Official compatibility with AdventureZ, because I love the piglin beast. / If previous suggestions are accepted, if you're disguised as a piglin beast, you should be able to trade with piglin brutes and piglins would treat you like a God, giving you better deals(netherite ingots, diamond blocks, etc) and piglin brutes(and normal piglins) should follow you if you right click them / When the player disguised as a creeper explodes, they could die(false by default), and their vision should be green(false by default). / Piglin brutes have a chance to give you free stuff if you're disguised as one. They could also trade with you like normal piglins would, but with some op stuff such as axes, iron, diamonds or if you're lucky, even netherite. There'd also be a new achievement, called "Dangerous shiny stuff!" or something like that. / While as a piglin, if you wear a full set of golden armor you can become the piglin's captain, and go hunting some Hoglins! / Hoglins should be scared of zoglins(don't remember if that's in vanilla). / If you kill a piglin brute in front of a bunch of piglins and piglin brutes, while disguised as a piglin/piglin brute, you should be given a new effect called "karma of the piglins", while under that effect, no milk can save you and all of the "Piglin" entities are angry at you. Yes, even zombified ones, because even on their brainless brain, there's still piglin rage there. Also that'd make a new challange advancement, called "The traitor among the pigs". The effect would just go away after some time.