


Blazes cannot be shot with arrows

FinalBosses opened this issue ยท 22 comments


I am hosting a server with multiple mods, including the identity mod. Whenever someone is a blaze and gets shot by an arrow, the server crashes. The crash report says that it is a ticking entity. The entity is an arrow. To fix this, I tell the blazes not to join. Then I go into creative and place down a repeating command block with the code: kill @e[type=minecraft:arrow]
I tell the blazes to get on. After they have been in the game for a around 10 seconds, I destroy the command block and go back to playing in survival.

To fix this, I have placed a chain of command blocks with this code:
First command block, repeating, unconditional and always active: execute as @e[type=!#identity:hurt_by_high_temperatures] at @s run execute as @e[type=minecraft:arrow,distance=..3] run effect give @p[distance=..3] minecraft:resistance 1 2 true
Second command block, chain, unconditional and always active: execute as @e[type=!#identity:hurt_by_high_temperatures] at @s run execute as @e[type=minecraft:arrow,distance=..3] run effect give @p[distance=..3] minecraft:instant_damage 1 1 true
Third command block, chain, conditional and always active: execute as @e[type=!#identity:hurt_by_high_temperatures] at @s run execute as @e[type=minecraft:arrow,distance=..3] run kill @e[type=minecraft:arrow,distance=..3]

Is anyone else having this issue?


Do you have the exact crash report (which contains the stack trace and which mods and versions are being used)?


Also, I forgot to mention, The command block code also effects bats. I have not tested it with other morphs, but I don't think bats fall into the category of !#identity:hurt_by_high_temperatures


I'll look into this when I get home ๐Ÿ‘


I just tried to start up my server, and it crashed. This wasn't a normal crash. It crashed before even getting half way through starting up. No chunks were loaded, and it was around 20 seconds before the server would be open. I don't know how I can fix this. I can't go onto the server and place down a command block. I can't even run a command before the server crashes. I can't do anything.

  1. If different from your other crash report, do you have the crash report from the crash-on-startup?
  2. Have you tried starting up an (otherwise) identical server but with a fresh new world?
  1. No, it didn't even leave a crash report. The terminal just closed
  2. No, I will try that.

I just tried it with a fresh new world, and it got farther in starting up, but still crashed around a second before it would start generating a spawn point.


Same crash (no crash report) or did it actually generate a crash report?


No crash report


Would you like my server folder, so you could try it yourself?


I just checked, and it turns out that the server is up while the terminal is closed. I don't know what is going on, but the worlds just swapped while the server was up when I switched the world files. This is really weird.


the folder is compressing


According to the log you posted, this is an issue with Mo' Enchantments, not Identity. The log reveals this method is culprit, which is (interestingly enough) commented out and renamed compared to the latest jar on CurseForge. Seems like they assume every damage causing entity is a LivingEntity (and arrows are not). The game should crash every time you shoot anyone with an arrow-- not just Blazes. Is this the case?

My guess is they removed the method because it was crashing in dev, but never pushed a fix version. If there is a separate crash not related to arrows, I would need a crash log. If the command prompt closes before you can copy it, follow these instructions.

I'll keep this open until you solve the issue, but I don't think it (at least, the arrow part) is Identity's fault.


Thank you, I will wright an issue for Mo' Enchantments. Also, the !#identity:hurt_by_high_temperatures including bats, is that also Mo' Enchantments's fault?


My hurt_by_high_temperature tag only includes Snow Golems. Not sure why it's returning true for bats.



@FinalBosses Do you have any datapacks enabled? If so, could you try disabling them? At least one datapack may be overriding the #identity:hurt_by_high_temperature tag and making it include bats.


I don't have any data packs. Also, the !#identity:hurt_by_high_temperatures includes bats, not #identity:hurt_by_high_temperatures. I thought it meant that it was fire resistant if it was !#identity:hurt_by_high_temperatures, but now I understand what it means.


I am not sure if this is a problem with the Identity mod, but creepers crash my game every 1 to 15 minutes. Here is the crash report:
I placed a repeating command block to kill all creepers, so this is the last crash report I have from before then. If it isn't Identity, could you tell me what it is?



You're using Identity 1.3.0, while the latest version is 1.5.0. The Creeper issue was fixed in one of the newer versions.

edit: and ! before tags means "not this," so it's going to include anything besides Snow Golems.


I just downloaded the latest version of Identity! I know what the ! means, I just figured that "not hurt by high temperatures" would mean "fire resistant".

Thanks for all your help,