Just an issue i have with some mob abilities
IntrovertedGamer opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Mobs whose abilities aren't activated by a key and just exist naturally with them don't work if you have an item in your hand, for example: A zombie's infection ability doesn't work on villagers if you use an item despite being on hard difficulty where it should infect them 100% of them time, and the bee morph only does poison damage if your hand is empty, same thing applies to even the wither skeleton morph, the overall problem is that natural abilities can't stack with any item, and while that is probably balanced for the Iron Golem it just doesn't work out for any other morph. I'm using your beta Forge version btw. also, Question: Not to be annoying but do you plan on releasing the Forge version to other Minecraft versions like 1.16.5 or 1.18.1 when you are done with it?