Mod not working
evoid123 opened this issue · 11 comments
I try to use the mod, and it just doesn't work. I have checked and other mods work, but just not Identity (1.16.4) I am using Fabric api 1.16.4 and also tried 1.16.3 but no luck.
Can you send your game log through hastebin (https://hastebin.com)?
Problem fixed, but now i am wondering what the action key is as I cannot see anything about it in the desc.
By default (US English), it's the grave/tilde key.
When I click on it, it shows the identity's I have, but how do I for example teleport as an enderman, or shoot fireballs as a blaze.
The identity abilities require that you use specific items using the regular item use key. For example, blaze fireballs cost blaze powder, enderman teleports cost ender pearls, wither shooting skulls requires wither skulls, etc.
I copy pasted it but im not sure how to send it to you as I have never used it before.
nevermind, here https://hastebin.com/harepexado.sql