IE Cloche Compat

IE Cloche Compat


tier 6 seeds

phantom1151 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Before reporting

Please ensure that the report you are about to submit does not already exists (use the search!). Also, please put the Minecraft Version in your post title (e.g. "[1.12.2] Seeds do not give correct outputs").

Describe the bug
Describe what the issue is or how the mod is incorrectly functioning.
tier six seed do not go into cloche even having the crux in there

Steps to Reproduce
What did you do to cause this? I wanna do it too!
place a cloche make a nether start seed and try to place it in. it does not go in

Expected behavior
How do you believe the mod was supposed to work? (This helps me know whether it's actually a bug or if I need to add a feature!)
should go in

Other Files
Screenshots, GIFs, Crash Reports. Please use Imgur or Pastebin/Hastebin

Version Information

  • Minecraft [e.g. 1.12.2]: 1.12.2
  • Forge [e.g.]:
  • IE Cloche Compat [e.g. 2.1.7-dev.335]: 2.1.7 dev454

Additional Information
Anything else you think I need to know about this issue, but doesn't fit under another category. Don't worry if you leave this blank.


Just tested this for myself with the exakt same version of Minecraft/Forge/Mod. And i stumbled over a similar problem. The solution was to simply analyze the seeds.
Even though the tier 6 inferium seeds did not require a block of insanium essence as stated on the project page. And the crops are displayed as an anvil inside the cloche (intentionally, maybe? ;))


Doesn't work for me with Awakened Draconium or tier 6 Inferium seeds either. The seeds simply can't be inserted. They don't grow if the cloche already contained tier 6 seeds (previously a working MystAgrad Cloche Compat setup).