IE Cloche Compat

IE Cloche Compat


Agricraft integration Bug

Manuepolis23 opened this issue ยท 7 comments


The Cloche does not output the correct amount of products based of the gain attribute


I assume this is for AgriCraft crops? Thank you for letting me know. I'll look into it!


I believe the issue with item drops has been resolved. If you don't mind, check the latest dev release on CurseForge (ieclochecompat-2.1.7-dev.330.jar) and let me know if you see any more issues with it?


I think that it does not respect any trait of the Agricraft seed because it seems that have the same speed and amount of products as the basic seeds.


That is intended for level 1 seeds. What seeds and stats are you testing that aren't working so I can look into it?


minecraft vanilla seeds 1/1/1 and 10/10/10 and Mystical Agradditions Tier 6 Inferium Seed 1/1/1 and 10/10/10


I have identified the bug with the vanilla seeds as a quirk in how IE handles it's registrations. It does not look like something I will be able to fix in any clean manner however, as the changes would require re-writing portions of IE and would break compatibility with an update on either end. As for the Mystical Agradditions crops, I am looking into and will see what I can do.


I am 95% certain this issue is fixed in the newest update to the mod on CurseForge. I am closing this now, but feel free to re-open if I was wrong. There's so many seeds, it's difficult to check all of them.

There is still a small issue where sometimes crops will not respect the Agricraft values, but this can be fixed occasionally by growing a seed with a different: mod, soil, and has agriStats. I am unsure what causes this, but I think is has something to do with caching done in Immersive Engineering. I know this is an annoying bug, but until I can find a solution I am putting a message in the chat when a player logs in to let them know how to fix it.