![Immersive Aircraft [PORT]](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/1134/921/256/256/638695990268230249.png)
Flags don't show up correctly on a plane
Van-Shuimu opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Interestingly, I can not reconstruct this issue myself.
To make sure we have the exactly same setup, can you try this banner here via give command: https://minecraft.tools/en/banner.php?color_id_0=11&shape_id_1=22&color_id_1=2&shape_id_2=33&color_id_2=12&shape_id_3=26&color_id_3=0&shape_id_4=7&color_id_4=0&shape_id_5=8&color_id_5=0&shape_id_6=36&color_id_6=0#crafting
Also, can you try without shaders in case that breaks.
Ran it again with your flag code; minus the shader and the resource pack for Create texturing; same issue. Gonna try it again without AdditionalBanners in this modpack, that's the only other thing I could think of that might be meddling with things.
That's without Additional Banners in the pack; which is... Vaguely disappointing. Doesn't throw a fit with shaders, either; which means it was a problem on my end, apologies for the wasted time. Is there a method that could be wrangled for compatibility with custom banner additions like a datapack setup that I don't know about, or are those two just... Destined enemies?
We are having the issue as well with our pack https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/cstmgames-creative-tendencies
we are also not using any banner modification mods / datapacks.