![Immersive Aircraft [PORT]](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/1134/921/256/256/638695990268230249.png)
Cant craft on servers
itztonii opened this issue ยท 8 comments
as the title says, im not able to craft anything from the mod in a server that has the mod installed. the planes work and everything and we know because we had to use creative mode to cheat it in but they work fine, its just that stuff from the mod isnt craftable for some reason and we dont want to cheat stuff in.
The mod works fine in survival mode i can craft and stuff. Also, JEI doesnt even show the crafting recipe IN the server specifically but it does in solo worlds
i tried all the versions available on modrinth for 1.21.1 and its still the same thing
heres the server log
Thanks! This is not the newest version, and is missing the fixes for both recipe and banner rendering.