![Immersive Aircraft [PORT]](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/1134/921/256/256/638695990268230249.png)
Can't figure out dependencies or conflicting mods
1Gova5 opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Spent 12 hours sorting through 300 mods to try to make a personal pack, and I wanted immersive aircraft but whenever I try to launch the game it gives me a mod load error and closes. I'm not sure if I'm missing dependent mods or if I have conflicting mods. I'll add a link to the mods in Google drive if anyone can look I'd appreciate it.
Hi! Please append the latest.log, but the mod list you sent does not include immersive Aircraft?
Hi! Please append the latest.log, but the mod list you sent does not include immersive Aircraft?
Hello, the problem I'm having right now is that if I put immersive aircraft in the pack it crashes before anything loads in. So I haven't gotten an option to look at the logs. Unless there's a more technical way to do it that isn't waiting for the game to load then clicking latest.log if something fails to load correctly.
The latest log and/or crash log should always be there. Logging starts way before mods are loaded.