![Immersive Aircraft [PORT]](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/1134/921/256/256/638695990268230249.png)
Can't fly on latest version
skunkmommy opened this issue ยท 7 comments
This is not just a repeat of #30 although I suspect there's a binding issue.
I can turn but I can't start flying.
I'm on 1.19.3 using version 0.4.1 of the mod.
Did you fuel the engine? If yes, try to use another key, someone found a mod incompatibility which blocks the jump key (space by default).
Did you fuel the engine? If yes, try to use another key, someone found a mod incompatibility which blocks the jump key (space by default).
I'm in creative. Do you need fuel in creative now? Please add an infinite fuel option for people who want
Anything that burns
Where do i put it? just use on the aircraft?
EDIT: oh you shift click
Still think there should be an infinite fuel option and also think there should be some documentation
It says "no fuel" over your hotbar, and there is a fuel slot, with a tooltip, using the same concept as a furnace thus being the most vanilla thing possible. I disagree on the documentation here.
Inventory can also be access like a horse using E.
Yes to the creative one. You can set fuel consumption in the config.