Can u help me?
HurtsAsHell opened this issue ยท 11 comments
I just need to know what I skipped, following the guide I do not understand what is missing;
//Exavetor addRecipe
//mods.immersiveengineering.Excavator.addMineral(String name, int mineralWeight, double failChance, String[] ores, double[] chances, @optional int[] dimensionWhitelist, @optional boolean blacklist);
mods.immersiveengineering.Excavator.addMineral("Iron Ore", 25, 0.5,["btt:deep_iron_ore"], [0.02]);
You will need to specify your issue a bit more than that, I'm afraid. Version numbers, what you are trying to do, what errors you are getting, log files, all that stuff.
I would like to add a mineral to the exavator;
added the string above, it does not happen except for a minetweaker error; I have the Immersive Engineering version 0.12 - 80
Line 83:
[INITIALIZATION][CLIENT][ERROR] [crafttweaker | SIDE_CLIENT]: Error parsing Immersive_Eng.zs:5 -- ; expected
Looks like you're missing a semicolon around line five in Immersive_Eng.zs
and it can't process the file. Post the file contents?
This is the file .zs
No you need to use items that are already registered or use Minetweaker to register them (if that option still exists)
I'll be closing this for now, since it's a question of Minetweaker functionality.