Immersive Engineering

Immersive Engineering


Assembler creosote fluid issue wont go away 1.12.2

fredredbuilder opened this issue ยท 3 comments


When using assembler machine in prior version 1.10 never had difficulty crafting using liquids. for example making Railcraft Ties that would consume more creosote oil, I would use a creosote bucket in this crafttweaker recipe
recipes.addShaped("1pcw_tie", railcraft:tie, [[null,null,null],[forge:bucketfilled.withTag({FluidName: "creosote", Amount: 1000}),forge:bucketfilled.withTag({FluidName: "creosote", Amount: 1000}), null], [ore:slabWood, ore:slabWood, ore:slabWood]]);

With tank of creosote oil output pumped from an IE coke oven this would always work fine.
Also made concrete using IE concrete recipe with [[slag, clayball,slag],[ gravel, water bucket, gravel], [slag, clayball,slag]] and it always worked.

Now with 1.12.2 and all relevant mod updates (see below list), crafting concrete with water in the tank- no problem. it still works. I recognize this recipe is native IE and does not involve Crafttweaker, but Crafttweaker does works fine with IE assembler on other recipes I use that do not using liquids.

The issue is no joy on creosote. Assembler will recognize the formula and it shows a railcraft tie in the GUI, if I give it buckets of oil in the inventory it will craft but it will not make ties from creosote oil in the input tank. Even if I try to use the regular railcraft recipe for ties, it ignores the assembler's tank of oil.

Beating my head on keyboard for since updating in Feb'19 trying any variation but no luck. Have review older posts related to this issue like # 3456, and #2885, but see no clear answer as to what is going on. I know the -89 was supposed to fix this but at least for me it is not happening. To everyone out there who is having this issues can you join this post and together help answer whether this is this an IE bug and we just have to wait on next version or is there something we can do about it.

I really enjoy this mod and have an entire steel mill and railroad track factory shut down until I get some fix figured out.

Versions & Modlist

Minecraft 1.12.2, Forge, IE .12-89, Railcraft-12.0.0, Crafttweaker 2-1.12-4.1.19
also running davincisvessels-1.12-6.340-full, movingworld-1.12-6.342-full, Dynmap-3.0-beta-3-forge-1.12.2


Not to Necro-post, but I didn't want to make a new issue. I'm trying to craft pam's cheese with it and it won't recognize soy milk. I assume it's being caused by the same issue that causes the ties.
2020-02-09_07 58 57


^ sorry about all that mess. Someone decided to be a bit of an asshole.

I believe the issues you are experiencing with the assembler are similar to those reported by other people (see #3456, #3260, #3490)
There has been a variety of fixes to the assembler in the work we have done for build 90, and I believe these issues should be resolved by the next release.


I'm having this problem too. As a workaround, I'm building RC ties with the IE Assembler using bottles of creosote. The empty bottles are ejected by the assembler, routed to a bottler, refilled, and fed back into the assembler. You could use buckets if you prefer. Not great but it works.

2019-08-01_03 20 53