Immersive Engineering

Immersive Engineering


[Item Deletion]Time in a Bottle on a External Heater powered FastFurnace deletes items.

Moleculor opened this issue · 3 comments


Modpack version
Enigmatica 2: Expert v1.65d

Can the issue be reproduced?

I reproduced the bug multiple times in the last five minutes, but the logs for the last two hours are just server backups, so nothing about this shows up in the logs.

Apply a [Random Things v4.2.7.1] Time In A Bottle item to a [FastFurnace v1.3.1] Furnace (the one that looks like a vanilla furnace) while that Furnace is heated by an [Immersive Engineering v0.12-89] External Heater.

The furnace will eventually 'blink' off (sometimes rapidly like it's in a rave), deleting input and output contents of the furnace.

Two applications of the bottle risk creating this issue. Three applications almost guarantee it. Four applications of the bottle definitely guarantee it.

I'm providing links to the issues I've opened in the respective mods just to help everyone out.

Enigmatica 2: Expert
Random Things
Immersive Engineering


I'm understanding this correctly, time in a bottle makes a TileEntity take multiple ticks, correct?


Okay, I'll ask again from a users perspective:
Does it make machines go faster?

Because if it does, that's not something the game really intends for, and as such something we don't safeguard against. Also, kinda can't do something about it if it breaks on vanilla-extending furnace. General rule of thumb: Be happy with how fast stuff goes, don't try to accelerate it with some other mod's functions.



I'm just an innocent bystander who has never made a Minecraft mod of any type. I know some C++ and a few other languages, but in this, I'm just a user reporting an issue.

You'd likely have to ask over here: lumien231/Random-Things#432