Immersive Engineering

Immersive Engineering


[Suggestion] Pumps pulling from above

DoomRater opened this issue ยท 4 comments


It's been two years and Astral Sorcery's lightwells still cannot be automated with Immersive Engineering because it has no way to pull fluids from above. I suspect AS is not interested in adding sided pulls from the lightwell.

Either a pump we can lay on its side, upside down, or a pump that can pull from a pipe that's connected to it would be appreciated.

I'm likely going to be stuck on 1.12.2 for some time however. I have no idea if 1.12.2 is still being updated or not.


I'll live! There are enough edge cases where this feature could really come in handy.


If we were to implement this feature, it would not come to 1.12, because development efforts are being focused on 1.14


Pumps can now pull through pipes, so this is irrelevant


Having the pump able to suck fluids from a fluid pipe would probably be the best approach, and maybe also have the outlet block have the ability to be an inlet for such pumps. This would allow a pump to suck water from the outlet/inlet from a remote location.