Immersive Engineering

Immersive Engineering


Jerrycans can place water in the nether/Creosote Fuel from Jerrycans

DoomRater opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Still on 0.1.2-89, haven't upgraded yet to check things out, but on this version I was able to place water in the nether using a jerrycan. This is supposed to immediately evaporate, not actually place and spill all around. Quite powerful really!

May want to double check that other IE fluids that evaporate when placed in the nether also evaporate correctly when placed with a jerrycan.


Updated to 92 and the issue persists. Also retried with creosote oil, which evaporates when poured from a bucket but not with a jerrycan!

Also, MORE fun with jerrycans: inserting a jerrycan with a full load of creosote oil into a furnace and then burning something will use up one bucket of the stuff, but will smelt 40 items. Pretty sure it's only supposed to either smelt 4 per 1000mb, or consume all 10000mb and smelt 40.