Immersive Engineering

Immersive Engineering


minecraft 1.14.4 modpack crashes when joining newly created world after i have added immerzive engineering

phueyflame opened this issue ยท 2 comments


As title says when loading a newly created world I get through all the generation loading then joining and then saving game comes up then the game crashes and tells me this:

The game crashed whilst unexpected error
Error: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.minecraftforge.fluids.FluidStack.getFluid()Lnet/minecraftforge/fluids/Fluid;

paste bin for crash report:

I am using IE version 0.14-94 and forge version 28.2.3

to my understanding based on the instructions to post the modlist should also be in the crash report. Also to make sure I am clear before adding IE this was not happening and IE is the only mod I have added/change I have made since this issue began.



You didn't post the full crashreport, and as such, we don't have a modlist.
However, if you are using VanillaFix, try downgrading that. Their latest update broke mixins.


closed due to lack of feedback