Immersive Engineering

Immersive Engineering


[0.12-92] Crash - Ticking block entity - Crusher

jonathanbrooke opened this issue ยท 13 comments


### Description of the issue:

  • Whenever an ore is tossed into the Crusher, the server immediately crashes.
  • Cobblestone is accepted and works.

### Crashlog:

### Versions & Modlist
IE Version = ImmersiveEngineering-0.12-92.jar
Forge Version =

Mod is running on a Server & Client using Technic Launcher Deployment:

  • Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
  • Operating System: Linux (amd64) version 4.19-ovh-xxxx-std-ipv6-64
  • Java Version: 1.8.0_211, Oracle Corporation
  • Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
  • Memory: 3295136736 bytes (3142 MB) / 8239710208 bytes (7858 MB) up to 8589934592 bytes (8192 MB)

Happens every time conditions above are met

Let me know if you need more information.



To clarify, user on my server said this error is with the Crusher not the Pulverizer. I will edit accordingly, apologies!


Please provide your config file for Immersive Engineering, for server and client.


Do you use Craftweaker to load custom recipes?


Nvm, you don't, I should have checked your modlist


Honestly, absolutely no idea what's happening there.
Can the player reproduce this issue in singleplayer?


@BluSunrize I've contacted the player who reported it to recreate in Singleplayer for you, ill revert when I've had confirmation he has done this.
Are there any further logs I can provide to assist?


I'm genuinely unsure about what's causing this. The config file looks fine, and you don't have Crafttweaker to change any recipes.

Check if this issue happens with just Immersive Engineering installed. If it doesn't, then there is a cross-mod interaction problem. The best way to debug that is:

  1. Throw out half the mods. Check if the issue persists
    2a) If it does, halve your modlist again
    2b) If it doesn't keep working with the other half
  2. Keep making halves of the problematic mods until you find out which one does it.

It's tedious work, but it has a complexity of log(n), so it's basically the fastest way to do it.


Okay, It is Netherending Ores I believe, since I managed to make the crusher crash, crusher works fine without Netherending Ores.


@BluSunrize There seems to be a weird interaction between IE and Netherending Ores, I threw some obsidian and gold ore in the crusher and the crusher kept running but nothing would come out the output until I disabled Netherending Ores.

Sadly it hasn't crashed though.


Thanks for looking into this, ill disable Netherending Ores for now until a fix is published, ill stay subscribed to this thread for updates.

Thanks all!


Hi, I believe this is related to IE's calculation of recipe energy usage per tick at
this.energyPerTick = this.recipe.getTotalProcessEnergy()/this.maxTicks;
...where both factors and the result are integers. As such, if a recipe's max ticks are greater than its energy requirement (and therefore its energy per tick is less than one), energyPerTick is zero, which causes the later division by zero at line 563. The same issue might exist in other machines; I didn't check.

Netherending Ores applies a recipe time multiplier to its Crusher recipes, encountering this issue.

The author of Netherending Ores offered a workaround here: ICannt/Netherending-Ores#24 (comment)

I've never done any Minecraft modding so I apologise if I got something wrong.