[1.15.2] [0.15-105 #10] Duplicating Items with Engieneering's workbench.
Arathorne opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Description of the issue:
-Revolver and/or buzzsaw (3d weapon)
-Engieneering workbench
Tutorial how to duplicate:
1.Get desired items to copy:
2. enter the workbench & put weapon in editing window
3. quit the workbench
4.re-enter it & take the weapon with shift
5. Quit the workbench again
IMPORTANT 6. open your inventory to accept duplicated items
End. (Tested on creative mode& survival mode[works:xd:])
This glitch only occurs on singleplayer and the tool is without any modification
On multiplayer this glitch doesn't work
Versions & Modlist
forge 31.2.9 , IE [1.15.2] [0.15-105 #10] and basic, not modified modlist of the server
Crashlog after duplicating too much items and throwing them on the ground:
I tested this (in singleplayer) and I could only actually dupe items in creative.
In survival it just gives me ghost items that go away when you click/relog/etc.
Were you testing in multiplayer?
Interestingly, the game crashes if you stop after step 4 and shift click a bunch of these ghost items in/out of the table:
Edit: this crash is the same as #4029