Immersive Engineering

Immersive Engineering


[mc 1.15.2] minecraft bees are confused by wooden posts

WebDragon opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Description of the issue:

Every single wooden post I have, just about, has a bee flying straight into it, that is very difficult to dislodge from its intent to fly straight at the post -- shuffle them to the side and they continue flying straight at the post from the west instead of the north, etc, even if you poke them and they get angry.

Versions & Modlist

Forge 31.2.31
ImmersiveEngineering 0.15-103

additional mods . couldn't seem to get F3+C to generate a crashlog so I took this list from the most recent. Forge has been updated since then to the above mentioned version.

Personally I preferred the Forestry bees -- these new bees the size of a small terrier, are themselves terrifying. :D


2020-07-11_12 30 09
2020-07-11_12 30 19
two shots of an angry bee still heading straight at the post instead of attacking me


Fixed in fa42f2b