Immersive Engineering

Immersive Engineering


[1.16] Running your `addReloadListeners` on normal priority is causing issues with CraftTwaeker.

jaredlll08 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Description of the issue:

You are adding your event with "normal" priority, meaning that when people changes your recipes with CraftTweaker, your recipe lists have already been built

CraftTweaker runs its addReloadListener event at "low" priority, so running yours at "lowest" over here, should fix this issue.


No crash.

Versions & Modlist

No IE version, just looking at your code.
Any CraftTweaker version in 1.16 (realistically 1.14 and 1.15 as well, but I haven't looked at your code for those branches)


Do you know how this will interact with JEI?
Specifically; we have some dynamically generated recipes, potions in the mixer and recycling in the arc furnace. I believe with JEI also buildings its lists on this event, if we go to lowest, they won't show up...


I checked the JEI source, I can't find any instance of them using the AddReloadListenerEvent, so I don't think it would impact them at all.

if there was a mod that was using the event for the purpose of displaying recipes like this, you would / should probably use 2 handlers, one for adding recipes (could be on normal prio) and one for reading them (on lowest prio). I understand that probably isn't ideal, so lets hope no one does it