Immersive Engineering

Immersive Engineering


[1.16.3] Error With Loading Registries

adriantomaszewski opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Error when loading in using newest version of Forge(forge-34.1.42), MC(1.16.3), and IE versions
(ImmersiveEngineering-1.16.3-4.1.1-127, ImmersiveEngineering-1.16.3-4.1.0-124, and ImmersiveEngineering-1.16.3-4.0.1-121). Immersive Engineering encountered an error during the load-registries event phase. Error occurs both with and without Optifine. Error also occurs with just Immersive Engineering with same Forge, MC, and IE Versions.

Here is the log:

Sorry if this report is poorly written, its my first time using GitHub.


Sorry for not looking at closed issues, will downgrade for now.


Your crashlog is of you using IE 4.1.0-124.

Can you reproducce this issue on 4.4.1-127, and if so, can you please provide a log?


Yeah, it is working now on the 127 version, the Instance of MC probably just didn't update because of buggy Twitch Launcher. Sorry for wasting your time, your mod is amazing and I wish you the best.


Glad to hear it's working! Have a nice day =)