Immersive Engineering

Immersive Engineering


Engineer's manual entry for external heater doesn't match actual hammer use.

D0CTOR-ZED opened this issue ยท 0 comments



The en_us manual entry for the external heater states "Click a side of the heater with a hammer to make ir an energy acceptor, sneak to target the opposing side.". The heater just rotates when right clicked (shift to rotate opposite direction). I suppose that if you click a horizonal side enough times this could be accurate. I interpret the phrasing as a side config toggle, which it doesn't have. Also, typo in en_us version (link below), "ir" instead of it. ru_ru has the same issue (other than typo). I suspect all translations might. Thank you.


Click a side of the heater with a hammer to make ir an energy acceptor, sneak to target the opposing side.