Immersive Engineering

Immersive Engineering


1.16.5 Engineer's book does not open.

GnomTocha opened this issue · 4 comments

  1. Engineer's book does not open.
    When you open a book, the chat displays the message "2 entries failed to load! Please report this as an issue with
    your log file!".
    minecraft 1.16.5
    2021-03-09_16 31 04
    Mod of list

  2. Also I tested the new version ImmersiveEngineering-1.16.5-4.2.2-132 without any external modifications. The same problem.
    There is only a minor change in the text message "1 entries failed to load! Please report this as an issue with
    your log file!".
    2021-03-09_17 17 40


Forgot to add that the problem is present on both the client and the server.


The first log file indicates issues with Immersive Petroleum.

For the second one you have not provided a log file. But assuming that you have your language set to Russian, this is an error that was fixed n Build 133, which released yesterday. Please update and see if that resolves it.


Первый файл журнала указывает на проблемы с Immersive Petroleum.

Для второго вы не предоставили файл журнала. Но если у вас установлен русский язык, это ошибка, которая была исправлена ​​в сборке 133, выпущенной вчера. Пожалуйста, обновите и посмотрите, решит ли это проблему.

I was wrong in point 2. The ImmersiveEngineering version is 1.16.5-4.2.3-133. I'll send the logs now.
