Immersive Engineering

Immersive Engineering


issue with forming the squeezer

neoguyvery opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Hi all!

I trie to form the squeezer , i see some post with the same bug i cant form the squeezer i'm on immersive engineering 1.16.5-4.2.4-134.
I use normal piston and i click on the good barrel but its just open this one...

Anyone know what i should try? Should i desactivate something or else?


Provide pictures, or we can't help you.


2021-04-03_11 09 43
2021-04-03_11 10 10
2021-04-03_11 11 35

ok i upload some view


Those are not barrels from, Immersive Engineering. You are using vanilla barrels, they are completely different.


Thanks for all, i thought they was good because they check the guide when i have them in the inventory.... Oups no they didnt check this guide.... im so BAD!! Sorry XD