Immersive Engineering

Immersive Engineering


[1.16.3] IE [1.16.3-4.1.0-124] Problems continuous flow for the Diesel generator

ExodusR opened this issue · 1 comments


Hello i need you for my diesel generator

I explain : I have a diesel generator for power the Excavator, but after a moment the flow is interupted, when i go for check i see that's my fermenter which does not produce fast enough the ethanol..
Yet it is sufficiently supplied with sugar cane and energy so i don't know why he is too slow, any ideas ?

I attached a rouh plan of my installation ( red dot are the garden cloches with at left hemp seeds and right sugar cane)
shéma biodiesel


I have no idea what the optimal setup is, nor do I care to find out.
This is not a crash or other issue with IE, it's a problem with your setup.