Immersive Engineering

Immersive Engineering


Diesel Generator Stopped Working

IHateGithub55 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Version: 1.16.5-4.2.4-134

Finally built the diesel generator and it was working fine for a while, eventually stocked up a half full tank outside full of extra biofuel and i set apon building the Excavator i intended on using the generator for.

The short answer is it simply no longer functions in my game anymore. Does not matter how many times i rebuild it, switch the power on and off, or what i connect it to the thing simply no longer works in my game, period. Destroyed the fuel lines and replaced those, switched wire types, nada. I have absolutely no reason why this would randomly break like this.

Update: out of desperation hooked up the single block Metal Barrel and when i put in a bucket of fuel, the generator ran for a bit, so the problem is the multiblock tank then, as it now refuses to output fuel. Any suggestions besides breaking it and losing a massive amount of fuel?

Update 2: Found out that you can put a lever on the bottom pipe block of the tank to force fuel to go through, which fixed the issue. So if anyone else randomly has their generator stop working do that and it should work.